UML 2 Component Diagrams*

Scott W. Ambler
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Recently reviewed Component-based development (CBD) and object-oriented development go hand-in-hand, and it is generally recognized that object technology is the preferred foundation from which to build components.  I typically use UML 2 component diagrams as an architecture-level artifact, either to model the business software architecture, the technical software architecture, or more often than not both of these architectural aspects.  Physical architecture issues, in particular hardware issues, are better addressed via UML deployment diagrams or network diagrams.  In fact I'll often iterate back and forth between these diagrams.  


Component diagrams are particularly useful with larger teams.  Your initial architectural modeling efforts during cycle 0 should focus on identifying the initial architectural landscape for your system.  UML component diagrams are great for doing this as they enable you to model the high-level software components, and more importantly the interfaces to those components.  Once the interfaces are defined, and agreed to by your team, it makes it much easier to organize the development effort between subteams. You will discover the need to evolve the interfaces to reflect new requirements or changes to your design as your project progresses, changes that need to be negotiated between the subteams and then implemented appropriately.

Figure 1 presents an example component model, using the UML 2 notation, for the university system.  Figure 2 depicts the same diagram using UML 1.x notation.  As you can see, there are several notational differences.  UML 2 components are modeled as simple rectangles, whereas in UML 1.x there were depicted as rectangles with two smaller rectangles jutting out from the left-hand side.  As you can see UML 2 uses this symbol as a visual stereotype within the rectangle to indicate that the rectangle represents a component although the textual stereotype of component is also acceptable (as you see with the Schedule component).   Both diagrams model dependencies, either between components or between components and interfaces.  You can also see that both diagrams use the lollipop symbol to indicate an implemented interface although the UML 2 version introduces the socket symbol to indicate a required interface.  As far as I’m concerned the socket symbol is effectively a visual stereotype applied to a dependency, the equivalent textual stereotype is shown on the dependency between the Persistence component and the JDBC interface.   


Figure 1. UML 2.x component diagram.


Figure 2. UML 1.x component diagram.

Diagrams such as Figure 1 are often referred to as “wiring diagrams” because they show how the various software components are “wired together” to build your overall application.  The lines between components are often referred to as connectors, the implication being that some sort of messaging will occur across the connectors.

I usually draw component diagrams on whiteboards although for both of the examples I’ve used a drawing tool to depict the notation accurately.  You can use component diagrams for both logical and physical modeling although I prefer to use them for physical modeling of the software architecture of a system.  Figure 1 shows the large-scale domain components for the system we’re building, including two user interface components which map to two different applications which we’re building as part of the overall system.  This diagram includes both business and technical architecture aspects – the components with the infrastructure and database stereotypes are clearly technical in nature – and that’s perfectly fine.  The important thing is that we’re considering both business and technical aspects in our architecture, not just technical issues, and for whatever reason we’ve chosen to create a single diagram which includes both views.


Interfaces and Ports

Components may both provide and require interfaces.  An interface is the definition of a collection of one or more methods, and zero or more attributes, ideally one that defines a cohesive set of behaviors.  A provided interface is modeled using the lollipop notation and a required interface is modeled using the socket notation.  A port is a feature of a classifier that specifies a distinct interaction point between the classifier and its environment.  Ports are depicted as small squares on the sides of classifiers.

For example, Figure 3 shows a detailed component diagram which contains three components.  There are several interesting features to note about this diagram:

  1. Ports can be named, such as the Security and Data ports on the Student component.

  2. Ports can support unidirectional communication or bi-directional communication.  The Student component implements three ports, two unidirectional ports and one bi-directional ports.  The left-most port is an input port, the Security port is an output port, and the Data port is a bi-directional port.

  3. The StudentAdministration and StudentSchedule interfaces are application specific and may include overlapping method signatures.  I’ve found this approach to be more understandable to the clients of the component as each application team is provided their own specific interface which isn’t encumbered with methods they don’t need.

  4. The diagram isn’t “wired” together yet – I haven’t connected the Student component to the two security components yet. 

  5. You don’t need to use all of the provided interfaces of a component.  My team has decided to use the X-Security component for access control and the MegaEncrypter component for encryption.  Both of these fictional components are commercial off the shelf packages (COTS) which we’ve purchased.  Although X-Security implements both security interfaces required by Student the other component implements the Encryption interface much more efficiently so we’ve decided to use both security components.


Figure 3. Modeling interfaces and ports.


Implementing a Component

So how do you actually build a component?  Although there are various strategies to do so, there are several basic principles that you can follow.   Figure 4 depicts a design for the Student component, depicting it as a UML frame. It’s also common to use "composite structure", e.g. a rectangle with the component stereotype in the top-right corner, instead of a frame because a component really is a structure composed of smaller elements.  Whether you call it a frame, a composite structure, or something else, the diagram is pretty much the same.  Interesting points about this diagram are:

  1. I simplified the ports to either provide or require a single interface.  This enables me to easily and explicitly model the relationships between the ports and the internals of the component.

  2. I’ve modeled relationships between ports and internal classes in three different ways: as a stereotyped delegates relationship, as a delegates relationship, and as a realizes relationship.  A delegates relationship is a line with an open arrowhead on it and a realizes relationship is a dashed arrow with a closed arrowhead.  Because the delegates notation is exactly the same notation that is used for unidirectional associations there is an opportunity for confusion – as a result I recommend indicating the stereotype on the relationship to make it clear what you mean.  The realizes notation, for example AdministrationFacade realizes the port containing the StudentAdministration interface, used to be my preferred approach because in my mind ports are logical modeling constructs that are realized by physical constructs such as classes.  However, the delegates association has the advantage that it indicates the flow of communication and as a result seems to be easier to understand.

  3. The Data and Security classes use the same names as the corresponding ports.

  4. Classes such as AdministrationFacade, ScheduleFacade, StudentData, Data, and Security implement the Façade design pattern (Gamma et. al. 1995).  The basic idea is that they implement the public operations required by the interfaces, operations that typically just delegate messages to the appropriate classes.  Together the AdministrationFacade, ScheduleFacade, and StudentData classes implement the public interface of the Student component.  StudentData, Data, and Security wrap access to external components so that the internal classes are not directly coupled to other physical components.

  5. Expect to adapt incoming/outgoing interactions back and forth between data-oriented and object-oriented messages.  An incoming message may be implemented as a web service which takes XML as a parameter and returns XML as the result.  The internal objects within the component, on the other hand, need messages sent to them with either objects or data as parameters and return values.  The implication is that you need to marshal the data and objects back and forth between each other, something addressed by the Adapter design pattern (Gamma et al., 1995).
  6. Another way to implement the public interface would have been to implement a single façade class called StudentComponent which implements the required public interfaces and delegates appropriately.

  7. When designing the StudentData class the team realized that it needed to work with our existing XMLProcessor component, therefore we added the connection to this component.


Figure 4. Designing a component.


Figure 3 makes it obvious that building components is costly.  Creating the Student component as shown in Figure 3 doesn’t make much sense – I’ve added five new classes to support two domain classes, a clear case of overbuilding.  This approach would make sense if there was twenty classes, and would make a lot of sense for fifty domain classes, because the additional five classes reduce the coupling within your system while at the same time implement a large-scale, reusable domain component.  The point is that you should only take a component-based approach when the benefit of doing so outweighs the additional cost.


Creating Component Diagrams

There are two fundamental strategies for developing a component model, either top down or bottom up.  Given the choice I prefer the top-down approach because it provides a good mechanism for identifying the “software landscape” early in the project, something that is particularly important for teams comprised of several subteams because you want to work towards the same vision.  Unfortunately a top-down approach suffers from the tendency to promote over-architecting, and hence over-building, of your system.  For example Figure 1 calls out Security and Persistence components but you might not yet need anything even remotely that complicated.  It would be a serious mistake to focus on building these two components instead of implementing actual business functionality that your stakeholders actually need. 

A second way to develop component models is from the bottom up.  I’ll do this when we have an existing collection of classes that have been developed and we decide to componentize our design.  Componentizing is often done to rescue reusable functionality out of an existing application or to split an application up so it can be easily dispersed between subteams.   When I’m componentizing an existing object design I’ll often iterate through the following steps:

  1. Keep components cohesive.  A component should implement a single, related set of functionality.  This may be the user interface logic for a single user application, business classes comprising a large-scale domain concept, or technical classes representing a common infrastructure concept.

  2. Assign user interface classes to application components.  User interface classes, those that implement screens, pages, or reports, as well as those that implement “glue logic” such as identifying which screen/page/… to display should be placed in components with the application stereotype.  In Java these types of classes would include Java Server Pages (JSPs), servlets, and screen classes implemented via user interface class libraries such as Swing.

  3. Assign technical classes to infrastructure components.  Technical classes, such as those that implement system-level services such as security, persistence, or middleware should be assigned to components which have the infrastructure stereotype.

  4. Define class contracts.  A class contract is any method that directly responds to a message sent from other objects.  For example, the contracts of the Seminar class likely include operations such as enrollStudent() and dropStudent(). For the purpose of identifying components, you can ignore all the operations that aren’t class contracts because they don’t contribute to communication between objects distributed in different components.

  5. Assign hierarchies to the same component.  99.9% of the time I find that it makes sense to assign all of the classes of a hierarchy, either an inheritance hierarchy or a composition hierarchy, to the same component. 

  6. Identify domain components. A domain component is a set of classes that collaborate among themselves to support a cohesive set of contracts. The basic idea is that classes, and even other domain components, are able to send messages to domain components either to request information or to request an action be performed. On the outside, domain components appear simple, actually they appear like any other type of object but, on the inside, they are often quite complex because they encapsulate the behavior of several classes.  A key goal is you want to organize your design into several components in such a way as to reduce the amount of information flowing between them. Any information passed between components, either in the form of messages or the objects that are returned as the result of a message send, represents potential traffic on your network (if the components are deployed to different nodes). Because you want to minimize network traffic to reduce the response time of your application, you want to design your domain components in such a way that most of the information flow occurs within the components and not between them.

  7. Identify the “collaboration type” of business classes.  To determine which domain component a business class belongs to you need to analyze the collaborations it is involved with to determine its distribution type. A server class is one that receives messages, but doesn’t send them. A client class is one that sends messages, but doesn’t receive them. A client/server class is one that both sends and receives messages.  Once you have identified the distribution type of each class, you are in a position to start identifying potential domain components.

  8. Server classes belong in their own component. Pure server classes belong in a domain component and often form their own domain components because they are the “last stop” for message flow within an application.

  9. Merge a component into its only client. If you have a domain component that is a server to only one other domain component, you may decide to combine the two components.   

  10. Pure client classes don’t belong in domain components. Client classes don’t belong in a domain component because they only generate messages, they don’t receive them, whereas the purpose of a domain component is to respond to messages. Therefore, client classes have nothing to add to the functionality offered by a domain component and very likely belong in an application component instead.

  11. Highly coupled classes belong in the same component. When two classes collaborate frequently, this is an indication they should be in the same domain component to reduce the network traffic between the two classes. This is especially true when that interaction involves large objects, either passed as parameters or received as return values. By including them in the same domain component you reduce the potential network traffic between them. The basic idea is that highly coupled classes belong together.

  12. Minimize the size of the message flow between components. Client/server classes belong in a domain component, but there may be a choice as to which domain component they belong to. This is where you need to consider issues such as the information flow going into and out of the class.  Communication within a component will often be simple message sends between objects in memory, communication between components may require an expensive marshalling effort in which a message and its parameters are converted to data, transmitted, and then converted back into a message again.

  13. Define component contracts.  Each component will offer services to its clients, each such service is a component contract.


Table 1 summarizes several design principles presented in Agile Software Development (Martin, Newkirk, Koss 2003) for improving the quality of packages or components.   I present them here because I find them of greatest value when it comes to component modeling.

Table 1. Component design principles.



Acyclic Dependencies

Allow no cycles in the dependencies graph between components.  For example disallow A è B è C è A because it includes a cycle.

Common Closure

The classes of a component should be closed together against the same kinds of changes.  A change that affects a class within a component should not affect classes outside that component.  In other words your components should be cohesive in that sweeping changes across several components are not required.

Common Reuse

The classes in a component are reused together.  If you reuse one class in a component you reuse them all.  This is another principle addressing cohesion.

Dependency Inversion

Abstractions should not depend on details, instead details should depend on abstractions.


Software elements should be open for extension but closed for modification.

Release-Reuse Equivalency

The granule of reuse is the granule of release.  In other words you should not reuse only part of a released software element.

Stable Abstractions

A component should be as abstract as it is stable.  A component should be sufficiently abstract so that it can be extended without affecting its stability.

Stable Dependencies

Depend on the direction of stability – If component A depends on component B, then B should be more stable (e.g. less likely to change) than A.



Remaining Agile

My most successful use of component models was with a team where we drew a diagram similar to, albeit a much larger one with over twenty components, on a whiteboard.  This whiteboard was situated in the team work area where everyone could see the board.  We developed the diagram early in the project and updated it as required throughout the project.  We kept it on the board because it provided a high-level map of the architecture of our software, a map that we used from time to time as we worked and more importantly engendered many interesting conversations regarding the overall system design.

There are several advantages to components that promote agility.  First, components are reusable building blocks from which you can build software, increasing your productivity as a developer.  Second, components can improve your testing productivity because they can be treated as elements which you can black-box unit and integration test.   Testing is discussed in detail in Full Lifecycle Object-Oriented Testing (FLOOT).



This artifact description is excerpted from Chapter 10 of The Object Primer 3rd Edition: Agile Model Driven Development with UML 2.


Suggested Reading

The Object Primer 3rd Edition: Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD) with UML 2   The Object Primer 3rd Edition: Agile Model Driven Development with UML 2 is an important reference book for agile modelers, describing how to develop 35 types of agile models including all 13 UML 2 diagrams.  Furthermore, this book describes the techniques of the Full Lifecycle Object Oriented Testing (FLOOT) methodology to give you the fundamental testing skills which you require to succeed at agile software development.  The book also shows how to move from your agile models to source code (Java examples are provided) as well as how to succeed at implementation techniques such as refactoring and test-driven development (TDD).  The Object Primer also includes a chapter overviewing the critical database development techniques (database refactoring, object/relational mapping, legacy analysis, and database access coding) from my award-winning Agile Database Techniques book.
Agile Modeling   Agile Modeling: Effective Practices for Extreme Programming and the Unified Process is the seminal book describing how agile software developers approach modeling and documentation.  It describes principles and practices which you can tailor into your existing software process, such as XP, the Rational Unified Process (RUP), or the Agile Unified Process (AUP), to streamline your modeling and documentation efforts.  Modeling and documentation are important aspects of any software project, including agile projects, and this book describes in detail how to elicit requirements, architect, and then design your system in an agile manner.
Elements of UML 2.0 Style   The Elements of UML 2.0 Style describes a collection of standards, conventions, and guidelines for creating effective UML diagrams. They are based on sound, proven software engineering principles that lead to diagrams that are easier to understand and work with.  These conventions exist as a collection of simple, concise guidelines that if applied consistently, represent an important first step in increasing your productivity as a modeler.  This book is oriented towards intermediate to advanced UML modelers, although there are numerous examples throughout the book it would not be a good way to learn the UML (instead, consider The Object Primer).  The book is a brief 188 pages long and is conveniently pocket-sized so it's easy to carry around.



Let Me Help

I actively work with clients around the world to improve their information technology (IT) practices as both a mentor/coach and trainer.  A full description of what I do, and how to contact me, can be found here



The notation used in these diagrams, particularly the hand drawn ones, may not conform perfectly to the current version of the UML for one or more of reasons:

  • The notation may have evolved from when I originally developed the diagrams.  The UML evolves over time, and I may not have kept the diagrams up to date.
  • I may have gotten it wrong in the first place.  Although these diagrams were thoroughly reviewed for the book, and have been reviewed by thousands of people online since then, an error may have gotten past of us.  We're only human.
  • I may have chosen to apply the notation in "non-standard" ways.  An agile modeler is more interested in created models which communicate effectively than in conforming to notation rules set by a committee. 
  • It likely doesn't matter anyway, because the modeling tool(s) that you're using likely won't fully support the current version of the UML notation perfectly anyway.  Bottom line is that you're going to be constrained by your tools anyway.

If you're really concerned about the nuances of "official" UML notation then read the current version of the UML specification.


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